Meet a Novice // Tom
CTOL: Introduce yourself…
TOM: Hi, my name is Tom, I was born and bred in Northampton. I’ve just spent a year doing the CEMES internship in Peterborough Diocese, which finished in the summer. Since then I’ve been working for a logistics company based in Northampton.
In my free time I enjoy board gaming with friends. Spending time on small electronics projects or gaming. Recently I have been reading about Russian history, where I once lived for 6 months on a Youth With A Mission Discipleship Training Scheme. IT was during my internship where I first started exploring the idea of monastic communities, and after looking into it and speaking with various people I was lead to the community here in Leicester.
CTOL: Why did you want to become a Novice?
TOM: The main reason I wanted to become a Novice was an interest / calling to community life and the explore what it could look like in a Christian context. Also the support and encouragement I have had from those around me was a real big sign that this was something I really should look into.
CTOL: What are your hopes and dreams for the next 6 months?
TOM: To deeply explore the basics of monastic and communal living; the disciplines at the root of them. I hope to grow in my prayer life and spiritual disciplines.
CTOL: What can we pray for you?
TOM: Please could pray that I can really get into the silent and solitude aspects of the community promise and grow in my practice and love of them
To find out more about becoming a Novice click >>> HERE <<<