Meet a Novice // Isaac
CTOL: Introduce yourself…
ISAAC: Hi, my name is Isaac, I’m 21 years old. I was born and raised in Market Harborough, but moved to Great Glen. I was raised in the evangelical church in Harborough, then moved on to an Anglican church in the same town. Before coming to Leicester I worked for five years as a green keeper at Kibworth golf club, where I did an apprenticeship and left with a diploma in horticulture.
My passion lies with the outdoors and doing ‘hands-on stuff’, which usually revolves around up-cycling materials to make furniture and decorative items. I also love to write poems and imaginative short stories.
ISAAC: I hope we can establish some strong relationships within the Diocese. I excited about getting involved in projects that work with homelessness, refugees and possible prison ministry, both in the Diocese and the wider community.
CTOL: What can we pray for you?
ISAAC: I would like prayer for a peaceful transition as we move into the building and get to know everyone around the Diocese and also for understanding when we meet people who’s journeys have been a lot rougher than our own.
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