What’s next for our residents?
‘After finishing the internship I’ll be returning home to Huddersfield. It’s going to be very strange moving back after five years but I pray that I notice the many ways God will be moving there. I am going to be starting work in Finance and HR at a CCTV company close to home, so I’m looking forward to the challenges of working in a different environment.’
‘After the internship I will study International Communication and Translation with English and French at university in Germany. I am looking forward to applying all I’ve learned this year in a new context and being challenged by a secular environment.’
‘Next year I am going to go to St Mary’s University to study a degree in Theology Religion and Ethics.’
‘After this internship, I’m excited to be starting a DTS: mission school in Brazil. This will be 3 months of studying the word and aligning with the missional call I believe I have on my life. Then another three months will be spent in a rural part of the country reaching out to the lost, and going out to the ends of the earth. This internship has given me space to understand my calling, which is to reach those who have not heard of the name Jesus and also seek justice for those with no voice.’
‘After my internship I intend to pursue a discipleship training school in the USA, to be trained for missions and outreach.’
‘Although I don’t know yet what is next for me, I would to get a job and start to invest more time in music and art! I have lots of dreams and I trust God for the next steps. I have learnt this year how much God cares about our little steps and how much he values every detail of our lives. I will keep on serving and worshipping in my local church and for the rest, a surprise!’
‘Next year I will be a Ministry Apprentice at HTL, continuing my work with the student community there. I will be taking on more of a leadership role with larger responsibility within HTL Students. I will also be studying theology at St. Mellitus College to build on my teaching from the New Wine Discipleship Year. I’m really excited to see how God will use the student community at HTL in this next year and to see how it will grow and develop. I’m also excited to see how my relationship with God will deepen as I continue to learn how to lead and disciple others through listening to the Holy Spirit and obeying Him.’