
1st March 2022

Rachel writes on hospitality

As the restrictions around Covid are lifting we are enjoying opening the doors of the Community House. Hospitality is taking many forms. Residents are hosting small groups from their churches and regularly inviting guests to join us for our evening meal. It’s great to see a steady flow of new faces and hear the house resounding with different voices – laughter and singing breaking out!

Our monthly 24 hours of prayer is another form of hospitality. In January, we hosted church leaders from across the city, praying together during the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, and this month we shared in the Global Voices webinar with Leicester Cathedral, inviting people to reflect on ‘Images of God’ through our 60 minute Prayer Guide. We hope to extend this monthly venture of prayer into partnering with other churches around Leicester.

Throughout our journey we have been resourced and encouraged by other new monastic communities and we do our best to keep connected, share learning and pray for one another. It was a joy to welcome Jill Weber and Frances Mclaren from the 24/7 Prayer Communities Network this month. They stayed overnight and spend a morning sharing and praying with us reflecting on the spiritual formation movement, holding space for difference in community and the descending Way of Jesus. Next month we are welcoming Rev Jutta Brueck the Dean of  With Community.

In April, we hope to welcome you! We’re really excited about our Open Day on 2nd April. All the details are embedded in this newsletter. Thank you for your prayers and support, we hope to see you soon!
