
5th July 2022

Rachel Writes

Dear Friends,

I write to you as this year in Community draws towards its conclusion…and what a wonderful year
we have enjoyed!

In this newsletter you can read about our camping trip, celebration day, and the experiences of our
residents and their plans as we send them out into the next season of their lives.

My own news is that I too am reaching the end of my season here as Prior of the Community. I am staying until October half term to welcome in and settle the new cohort but will then be leaving and moving to Cornwall. I have learnt so much about new monasticism during my time here and I sense the call of God to enter into that way of life more fully. I have the opportunity of a house share in a beautiful part of Cornwall where I will begin to establish a rhythm of prayer and, in time, a ministry of hospitality in retreats and spiritual direction.

It has been an immense privilege to be involved in the establishing and nurturing of this Community over the last five years. We have seen the gradual growing of a ‘deep root system’ in the Rule of Life, rhythms of prayer and relationships – these, I believe, give the Community a stability from which it will continue to grow and bear fruit.

Bishop Martyn has been quick to assure the Community that a new leader will be appointed, and a recruitment process will begin in the early Autumn.

I’d like to thank you for your prayers and support over the last five years, and ask for your prayers now for the discernment process and new appointment.
