
9th May 2022

Rachel Writes

The beginning of the summer term always has a particular feeling in the Community – there’s a lovely ease among us because we know each other so well, there’s also a sense of the coming transition too – this is the last term and thoughts begin to turn towards next year. As we re-grouped after Easter, we began with our Listening Groups and we asked the questions:

  • How can we stay present to what God is doing in ‘the now’?
  • What more does God want to teach us and grow in us through the gift of this Community?
  • How can we stay curious about the mystery of one another?

It’s not over, the best is yet to come!

We’re planning to celebrate all that God has done on 11th June with Friends and supporters – if you’d like an invitation, please get in touch via

In this edition you will read about:

  • news from residents,
  • recruitment for next year,
  • our upcoming 24hours of prayer
  • our prayer requests

Thank you for journeying with us.
