Rachel Reflects …
‘Stay home, stay safe!’ These words are on everyone’s lips right now. They caught our attention because in them we hear an echo of our Rule of Life.
Jesus says, Abide in me…he invites us to come back home, stay, rest obey and be with him in his joy’
The word for ‘STAY’ in Greek is meno and it carries all these meanings: remain, stay, dwell, abide.
For now we all have to stay home, but what if we could discover in this an invitation to ‘come home’ spiritually? Isn’t Jesus just waiting for us to find him present with us, right here at home and within us?
We’re returning afresh to our Rule of Life as we look for ways to shape our daily lives in this new reality. Finding simple daily routines, habits and practices is helping us stay steady and rooted.
Next week will bring us all a very different Holy Week and Easter. We hope to share in the journey and the celebration with you, so watch our Facebook page for details of the Retreat @Home that we will be offering.