
30th April 2019

Prayer Trail at Spring Harvest

This year at Spring Harvest we didn’t want our prayers to be limited to prayer venues, meetings or sessions… when we pray we have unlimited access to God.

We kicked down the walls of the prayer room and recognised that the entire Butlin’s site is a sacred space to encounter God in prayer. We invited guests to go on a Prayer Trail adventure.

This year at Spring Harvest we didn’t want our prayers to limited to ‘hands together and eyes closed’… when we pray we have unlimited connection.

We invited guests to experiment in prayer. We prayed in ancient and modern styles, using different traditions and types of praying. There were nine Prayer Stops to find around the site, including drumming, prayer beads, origami and hand dryer prayer!

This year at Spring Harvest we didn’t want our prayers to be limited to a week away (in the sun)… when we pray we have unlimited potential.

We want to provide prayer tools to take home and share. We will be releasing all the resources we used to create this prayer trail as a FREE DOWNLOAD in the coming weeks (watch this space).
