
8th September 2018

Bishop and Prior Skydive

On Friday 26th October at Langar Airfield in Nottinghamshire Bishop Martyn and Rachel will leap from an aeroplane in their first ever skydiving experience in order to raise funds for the community bursary scheme.

Bishop Martyn said, ‘The young adults who sign up to spend a year as part of the Community of the Tree of Life are taking a significant risk. I know from experience that prayer changes people and these young adults are committing themselves to pray. So what better way to support them than to take a risk myself – I imagine that I will be praying hard as I throw myself from an aeroplane! I just hope that people will give generously to the bursary fund for the new community.’

‘No one told me this was part of the Job Description,’ said Rachel, ‘but I’ve always tried to live by the motto, ‘let go, let God’ so I suppose that hurtling towards the earth at 125 mph in free fall is the ideal opportunity to put that to the test.’

Spending a year in our community comes at some cost because all meals, teaching, accommodation, travel and retreats are included. We don’t charge a set fee, but invite members to make a gift towards their costs. We expect them to give sacrificially, to work at fund raising and find support through sponsorship. The bursary fund is designed to ensure that people from all backgrounds and especially those without much financial backing are able to apply to join the community.

We hope that the skydive will encourage people to give generously in support of our bursary scheme.

If you would like to donate please follow the link to the diocesan giving page where you can find details.