
12th November 2020

24-7 Prayer Communities Network

At the recent, 24-7 Prayer (online) Gathering, we were commissioned and welcomed in to the 24-7 Prayer family as part of the 24-7 Prayer Communities Network.

24-7 Prayer Communities are a growing, international family of Churches and Houses of Prayer, outworking values of prayer, mission and justice, locally and globally.

For the past two years we have been journeying with the 24-7 Prayer movement. We travelled to a global gathering in Vienna, where we joined with thousands of Christian’s in prayer and worship at St Stephen’s Cathedral. We took our seat at a European New Monastic Roundtable in Vaumarcus, Switzerland, where we shared our ‘story so far’ and listened to the stories of other communities.

We are learning with and from leaders from around the world, at leadership events and online House of Prayer workshops. We have deeply valued the prayer, wisdom and ongoing support of the 24-7 leadership team, as we have developed our rule of life.

We are establishing deep friendships with other emerging religious communities around the UK, including Urban Abbey in Nottingham and the Southampton House of Prayer. It has been so good to journey with these communities as we all grow into our unique charisms.

We are experimenting with the ‘P.R.A.Y’ framework; Pause. Read. Ask and Yield, and several of our community members regularly use the #lectio365 daily devotional app.

We are so excited and blessed to be a part of this network and movement of God!